Timesheet Management

MangoHR gives you a clear overview of your team's time and progress.

Are you tired of managing your employee’s timesheets manually? Do you find it difficult to keep track of their work hours and overtime? Say goodbye to the hassle of manual timesheets and welcome to MangoHR’s timesheet management feature. Here at MangoHR, we understand the importance of keeping track of your employee’s working hours. That’s why we have developed a user-friendly timesheet management tool that will make your life easier.

Smart HRMS to make mundane processes efficient.

Loaded with several features, MangoHR is how you streamline internal and external operations onto a single dashboard.

Accurate time tracking

Our Timesheet Management tool ensures that your employee’s time is accurately tracked. It also helps you avoid any discrepancies in their working hours. This tool provides a detailed overview of the number of hours worked by each employee, their overtime hours, and any breaks they have taken.

Approvals and notifications

MangoHR’s Timesheet Management tool also provides approvals and notifications for the employee’s timesheets. You can easily approve or reject timesheets, and our tool will notify employees about their timesheet status.

Flexible approval workflows

With MangoHR’s timesheet management, administrators can set up custom workflows for timesheet approvals, ensuring that the right people approve timesheets in a timely manner. This also allows for easier tracking of timesheet status and helps prevent delays in payroll processing.

Project-based tracking

MangoHR’s timesheet management allows for tracking of time spent on specific projects or tasks, making it easier to monitor progress and allocate resources more effectively. This also helps with budgeting and forecasting.


Reporting and analytics

With MangoHR’s timesheet management, administrators have access to a variety of reports and analytics, such as timesheet summaries, employee productivity, and overtime hours. This provides valuable insights into workforce management and can help identify areas for improvement.

Easy and efficient timesheet management

With MangoHR’s Timesheet Management, you can easily manage and track your employee’s working hours. You can easily create and manage timesheets for all of your employees in one place. Our tool allows you to view and manage timesheets based on the project and the employee.

Manual and efficient timesheet management starts with MangoHR.

MangoHR timesheet management is a user-friendly and efficient way to manage and track your employees working hours. With accurate time tracking, approvals and notifications, and easy integration, this tool makes timesheet management a breeze