Team Overview

Turn your team into a well-oiled machine with MangoHR team overview.

Managing a team can be a daunting task, but it doesnt have to be with MangoHR. With the powerful team overview feature from MangoHR, you can have a clear and concise view of your entire team’s progress, tasks, projects assigned, and performance in one place.

Your team is your greatest asset, and MangoHR is your secret weapon.

Knowing your team is half the battle. With the powerful team overview feature from MangoHR, you can manage your team’s progress, tasks, and performance. With real-time data tracking, task management, performance tracking, and collaboration features, you can easily manage your team and help them achieve their goals.


Clear and Concise View of Your Team

With MangoHR’s team overview feature, you can have a clear and concise view of your team’s progress, tasks, and performance in one place. This makes it easier for you to identify areas where your team is excelling and areas that need improvement.

Real-Time Data Tracking

MangoHR’s team overview feature provides real-time data tracking, so you can stay up-to-date with your team’s progress, tasks, and performance. You can easily see who’s meeting their goals and who needs some extra support to get there.


Task Management Made Easy

With MangoHR’s team overview feature, you can manage your team’s tasks in one place. You can assign tasks to team members, set deadlines, and track progress. This makes it easier for you to keep your team on track and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.

Performance Tracking and Reporting

MangoHR’s team overview feature allows you to track your team’s performance and generate reports. This helps you identify areas where your team is excelling and areas that need improvement. You can use this information to make data-driven decisions and improve your team’s overall performance.


Collaboration Made Easy

With MangoHR’s team overview feature, collaboration between team members is made easy. Team members can easily communicate with each other, share files, and work together to achieve common goals. This helps to build a sense of teamwork and increases productivity.

Resource allocation

With MangoHR, you can easily view the availability of your team members and allocate them to specific projects or tasks.. The resource allocation feature also allows managers to view the utilization rate of their team members, ensuring that they are not overworked or underutilized.


It is time to unleash the full potential of your team with MangoHR.

MangoHR team overview feature can help managers and team leaders keep track of their teams progress, identify areas for improvement, and drive better results.